Special Education Advisory Committee

As the Special Education Advisory Committee established for the Catholic District School Board of Eastern Ontario, we recognize the need for strong partnerships in our Catholic community in order to develop the unique potential of all children.
- recognize the importance of all children;
- respect the unique strengths and needs of all children;
- nurture self-esteem by recognizing the talents of children as gifts from God;
- provide equity of opportunity and accessibility;
- reflect our Catholic faith and the principles of inclusion;
- promote a quality education for all.
Reaching Every Student
The Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) members represent the interests of all children with exceptional needs. Members and Special Education Department Resource Staff have 10 meetings each school year to review and make recommendations about programs, initiatives and policies which will enable students to reach their full potential.
What Is the Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC)?
SEAC is an advisory committee mandated through the Education Act as a standing committee of each school board. The committee reports to the school board and makes recommendations to the board regarding special education policies, programs and services.
What Happens at a SEAC Meeting?
SEAC meetings begin at 5:00 p.m. and runs approximately for one hour. Key presentations are made to give guests and members information about a program, initiative or upcoming event. Presentations are given by school or Board teams, Special Education Department staff or a member of a partner agency or association. Association and Department updates are provided, and members participate in discussions to generate ideas and make future recommendations.

Who Is On SEAC?
SEAC is a welcoming group of parents, Trustees, Special Education Resource Staff and community association representatives who have 10 meetings each year to review and discuss a wide variety of special education topics. Some individuals are members of a local organization such as Association for Community Living however, other interested parents who are not affiliated with an organization are welcome to join SEAC as a Member-at-Large. We are only permitted to have two Members-at-Large on SEAC.
Catholic School Councils are asked to identify an individual to receive and report on SEAC minutes. Existing SEAC members are available to answer questions or support these representatives as required.
How Do I Become Involved With SEAC?
If you would like to attend a meeting to learn more about SEAC, or to become a member, we encourage you to attend a meeting. Meetings are open to the public at our Kemptville Board Office. These meetings are usually held on the last Wednesday of the month starting at 5:00 p.m.
Are you interested in becoming a member of our SEAC Committee? If so, please contact speced@cdsbeo.on.ca.
Committee Members
If you would like additional information about SEAC please feel free to contact one of the SEAC members or Special
Education Department staff listed below. They would be happy to answer your questions.
SEAC Chair: Donna Nielsen CDSBEO Trustee Donna.Nielsen@cdsbeo.on.ca | |
SEAC Vice-Chair: Tracy Mertz Rural FASD Support Network | Judith Peak Rural FASD Support Network, Alternate kaitlyn.bissonnette@cwcas.ca |
Karen McAllister CDSBEO Trustee karen.mcallister@cdsbeo.on.ca | Sue Wilson CDSBEO Trustee, Alternate Sue.Wilson@cdsbeo.on.ca |
Tom Jordan Family and Children’s Services of Lanark, Leeds and Grenville tom.jordan@fcsllg.ca | Cathie Knapp Fisher Family and Children’s Services of Lanark, Leeds and Grenville, Alternate cathie.knapp-fisher@fcllg.ca |
Christina Lord Epilepsy South Eastern Ontario | Nicki Hughes Epilepsy South Eastern Ontario, Alternate |
Marie-Josee Menard The United Counties of SD&G CAS | |
Susie Trotter Child and Youth Mental Health Services – Cornwall Community Hospital susie.trotter@cornwallhospital.ca | |
Anna Lafrance Easter Seals anna.lafrance111@gmail.com |
Next SEAC Meeting
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
5:00 pm
For copies of past meeting minutes not posted, please contact:
Special Education Advisory Committee
C/O CDSBEO Special Education Department
2755 Highway 43, Kemptville K0G 1J0
613-258-7757 or 1-800-443-4562